This week (April 11-14) will be the last week for after school intervention at the elementary and the junior high (grades K-8).
The conference tournament for junior high Scholastic Bowl is not this Saturday, but next Saturday, April 22.
This week (April 11-14) will be the last week for after school intervention at the ELEMENTARY (K-5th grades).
PreK Screenings are coming up April 19 and 20. To make an appointment, please call 618-563-4812.
2 PM dismissal today (April 6) and no school on Friday or Monday! Spring pictures that were scheduled for today have been postponed to April 27.
Spring pictures that were scheduled for tomorrow have been postponed to April 27. If you still need a picture packet, please contact one of the offices.
Junior high track practice will be right after school tomorrow, April 6th, in Palestine instead of 4. Transportation is not provided on early dismissal days.
Due to no power at the school there will be no school today. Stay safe!!
Tue, Apr 4: The junior high scholastic bowl match at Paris Mayo has been canceled for today. It is rescheduled for April 13.
FINAL REMINDER: Spring pictures are Thur, Apr 6. Only the students that have a picture packet and money will have their pictures taken. If you need a picture packet for your student, please call one of the offices: 563-4812 (PreK/GS) or 563-4913 (JH/HS).
There will be after school intervention at the JUNIOR HIGH on Tuesday (4/4) and Wednesday (4/5) only this week.
Currently, we are under a boil order. Please send extra water with your student tomorrow.
Please remember that spring pictures for PreK through 12th grade will be in the morning on Thursday, April 6. Only students that have picture packets and money will have their picture taken. If you still need a picture packet for your student, please call one of the offices: 563-4812 (PreK/GS) or 563-4913 (JH/HS).
Dates to remember for high school students: Fri, March 31 at 6 PM - sports banquet for basketball players and cheerleaders; Tue, May 2 at 6:30 PM - Academic Awards Night; Thur, May 18 at 6 PM - Senior Dinner.
There is no after school intervention at the junior high this week due to state testing.
Congratulations to the junior high students who made Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter!!
Dates to Remember: Thursday, April 6 - spring pictures (must have picture packet & money) and early dismissal at 2 PM; Friday, April 7 - no school due to Good Friday;
Monday, April 10 - no school
Breakfast menu change for Tuesday, March 28: Instead of waffles, there will be scrambled eggs and toast.
HHS 3rd Quarter Honor Roll