The Hutsonville School District is accepting applications to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Jason Hill. The individual selected will serve on the Board of Education from the date of appointment to April 1, 2025. Applicants for the Board vacancy must be a United States citizen, at least 18 years of age, a resident of Illinois and the District for at least one year immediately preceding the appointment, and a registered voter. Applicants should show familiarity with the Board's policies regarding general duties and responsibilities of a Board and a Board member, including fiduciary responsibilities, conflict of interest, ethics and gift ban. The Board's policies are available at Hutsonville Policies.
Applications may be obtained at Superintendent Office at 500 West Clover St, Hutsonville, IL 62433 on September 9th at 8am or on the website at the following link immediately. Completed applications may be turned in by Friday September 20, 2024 at noon.